Hi, it's me Fernando Romulo da Silva

Software engineering as a passion

About Me

I am a passionate software engineer, but I remember starting this journey almost 20 years ago, playing with JavaScript. In 2002, I went to university to "work with computers," which I like, but sincerely, I had no idea what I was getting in 😅. My career goal is to continue to work with software development using modern technologies associated with Java platform and JavaScript.

In my spare time, I love staying with my family, playing video games, and watching movies and series.

On this page, you can access my CV, contacts, and portfolio, where I can show a few projects I developed to help me with my daily work or just for training.

Thank you for visiting my page!


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Simple Devhome

Scripts (Shell and Batch) to download and configure JDKs, build tools and much more.

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AllSet Java

Standard build configurations for projects in the Java platform

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Default Extensions

A collection of application artifacts used by some project tools like pmd, cpd, etc.

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Ant Common Tasks

Collection of ant tasks, that executes build tools like Maven and Gradle.

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Java Versions

A simple test-new-features Java application, only final features.

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Image Converte Service

An API to image's text recognition using spring boot framework and others.

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Useful Commands

A collection of terminal commands used on my daily work.

Contact Me
